Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Samsung Galaxy S2, useful applications

Google Street View - integrates with Google maps.

Goggles - identifies objects based on images.

Google Translate - speak one language and convert to another

Quick Settings - Easy to adjust many of the settings and to monitor battery usage.

HappyCow VeginOut - Nice app for finding nearby restaurants offering vegetarian options.

10 great android live wallpapers

handset code to view testing screen in GS2

Installing and sharing android applications using QR code:  (http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/24921/how-to-install-android-apps-and-share-contacts-using-qr-codes/): Install the barcode scanner application from market place to scan the code and to share apps, contacts, etc with other android phones.


Jon Woods said...

Lots of super apps there thanks! I use apps for galaxy s2 to find lots of good apps for my gs2. Hope this helps!

Jay said...

Thanks for the link.

Michaelzsfx said...

Thanks for the link.